Me at LIGO Hanford About me I am an assistant professor in physics at Syracuse University! I'm looking for grad students and undergrads to work in my lab. If you're interested please reach out!

Georgia Mansell

Assistant Professor in Physics, Syracuse University

Hello and welcome to my website!

Science montage of our group working at LIGO Hanford and on tabletop experiments at Syracuse University


My research interests include:

I am an experimental physicist and my expertise is in gravitational wave detector instrumentation, commissioning, and squeezed states of light. My lab at Syracuse University focuses developing technologies for current and future gravitational-wave detectors, like cosmic explorer. Future gravitational wave detectors promise to have even greater sensitivity than the current generation. To achieve this they will need higher circulating power, which will require a next-generation thermal compensation system. In addition, improved quantum noise reduction schemes will be required. In my lab we work on tabletop experiments demonstrating these principles.

Selected publications

Group photo

Our group! Me, Graeme Eddolls, Mitchell Schiworski, Jared Lee, Trent Gayer, Julia Rice


Please find my latest CV here

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